
Paradox of Choice … How Amazing!!!

Few research findings published many years back still show it’s worth and applicability. I witnessed one recently.

My wife was buying saree to be gifted to someone. Actually, she wanted two. And hence, she went for shopping twice.

On first occasion, at that saree shop, she was going through lots of varieties. Around 20 she shortlisted, out of how many she doesn’t even remember, and then bought the second one, which she liked the most.

On second occasion, at another saree shop, she shortlisted 6 out of 10 and then bought the 4th one she liked the most.

And, on both occasions she was not completely happy. And what she answered proved that it’s not necessary that when you have more choices, it makes you happy. I correlated this immediately when I wanted to see a good movie or web-series on OTT platform out of infinity of options and then get exhausted. I end up watching “something” and then curse myself, for wasting time.

Psychology professor Barry Schwarz had the answer. Reduce your choices. So next time, when you want to buy something, just choose the one you like the most “at first glance” and then move on, assuming no other option is available.

So simple … isn’t it? Can you, do it? Can you control yourself? 😀

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